I work at Tanner Clinic as a medical assistant. Some medical assistants were able to go to the recent convention in Park City. I was unable to attend for various reasons. There was a speaker there everyone was talking about the next day. A doctor had gone to Haiti on a medical mission and was sharing his story. I cannot do his story justice as I was not there but I did get the basics of it. The doctor served and treated what and who he could. He had a picture slide show of all the kids. Some lived and some died. During this speach he talked about the mass spreading of diahrrea among the kids. They were sick and dehydrated. To make this situation worse they have no diapers for these babies. Most of us hate when we have to change a diaper of this sort let alone not have one at all. This is a hygenic problem. This doctor went on to say how these people would cut up lovely blankets and quilts to use as diapers. There is so much time spent in making some of those lovely blanket just for them to get cut up and used in another manner. This doctor pleaded with everyone that if we were to send anything or make anything to please make these poor kids diapers.

Some have offered disposable and I thought of those too, but then if they can't dispose of their dead and have massive piles of cement from fallen buildings, how are they supposed to dispose of the disposable diapers. Besides they are used once and they are done. This is only a temporary fix and could create a larger problem.

Again I wasn't even at this meeting but as I heard about it from several co-workers and I was shocked as a mother and a medical personal. I wanted to do something. So this is what I have done. I have found easy diaper instructions to follow and I am posting them for those that would like to help at home.

In June we Sent 67+ diapers. We will be needing the next batch by July 24th. Then another is scheduled for Oct 1st

You can contact me at

I hope I got an e-mail to everyone today. If not let me know. brittanybg@live.com

Kits are Ready

So this week at the clinic was especially busy. Everyone had a hard time finding time to help. So this put us a little behind schedule. I Have alot of diapers cut out and we are working on the pads, once that is done we will be able to finish putting some kits together. I will have them ready by tomorrow. However due to getting behind I don't know how many I will be able to deliver to people. I am asking those who can come pick them up at the clinic to please do so, then I can deliver those that really can't. Right now I have 5 kits ready and I will have more tomorrow when I go back. I will be leaving them with the receptionist to be picked up tomorrow (saturday) by 5:00pm. You can call before to make sure they still have some at 801-773-4840. If you have any questions please e-mail me and there will be instructions. You will need to supply your own thread. Color doesn't matter.
Thank you for your help in making a difference. The response has really touched me and reminded me there are amazing thoughtful people that are willing to lend a hand when needed.


Some Questions

1. What do we need most?

Diaper pins, money, and coupons for fabric. (a 50% off coupon could save me $50 since I am making large purchases)

2. Why contoured and harder instead of square?

We can get more contoured out of a yard than the traditional square. If you prefer to make square that is still good. I will ship those too. They don't have to be done this way. This blog is just a history and suggestions to make things easier. NOT RULES.

3. How can we get supplies and diapers to you (Brittany)?

The easiest for me is if they can be dropped off at any Tanner Clinic then they can be carried over to me.

Sewing tips (e-mail me if you have more)

1. The diapers are easier to sew if you make the tabs square instead of rounded. For most, straiter the better. I don't like sewing "round".

2. Made your openning for turning the diaper right side out, on the back (longer) side of the diaper. Then you can make your openning bigger and easier to turn.

3. Top stitch the front side and the back side. The diaper just works better and the seam stays. I don't know how to better explain without showing.

4. Stretch the elastic as much as you can for a better fit on the baby. After all we are talking about runny stuff that leaks in our own "leak proof" diapers.

5. Ok. So... I am going to try explaining this the best I can. This tip is so you only have to sew the elastic once. Here we go.

After you sew the pad in, the next step should be elastic, BUT if you skip it and start sewing the two diaper peices together you can just sew the elastic in when you get to the curve AS you go around the diaper. Then you don't need to sew the elastic in one side, then stretch the one side while you are sewing the two sides together.

That is the best I can do. I hope that makes sence. If not I will try another way to type it. I wish I could just show it. I will see if I can take pictures to help understand it.


So I was able to buy about 90 yard of flannel on the 4th of July sales. Now we need 30 yards of terry cloth for padding if we can. I currently have a 50% coupon but it is only for one piece of fabric or in our case a 10 yd bolt. Coupons would be great along with donations so we can start making diaper kits for the sewing volunteers. Let me know.
